There was something in the air...

And that something was the terrible stench of Stinky McCleck

Have you ever smelled something so bad that it made your hair curl?

Well, that was our friend STINKY! So shocking is his odour, he is banished from his home town of Gek. 

However, when panic hits the town as the Gekians’ favourite food goes missing, it’s our reluctant smelly hero Stinky who comes to the rescue.

A fast, furious and rollicking tale which keeps you on the edge of your seat. You may even learn some new words too.
Imaar Gunnagønøw
This story has everything. A stinky hero, a despicable villain, a four headed monster and a story that runs like a roller coaster.
Parpa Kanuhëërmëë

About the Author

Eekle Munsen

Ëëklë Munsën was born many years ago in the small Scandinavian village of Nørbënschplaat near the fjørds of Gërvørdënspinkëltitë and worked with his father Hørst herding Møøsë. His passion for books and writing came at an early age from his mother Ammifridëyëtta, who spent hours reading to Ëëklë. Books such as “Bjørn the Great Møøsë Detective”, “The Møøsë Hunter”, “Thë Møøsëfather”, Gone with thë Møøsë”, “Nørbërt Uligs Big Day Out” and “2001 a Møøsë Ødyssey” were among his favourites. 

When not Møøsë herding or reading, Ëëklë spent his adolescent years playing games such as “Who’s møøsë is it anyway”, “Hide and go møøsë”, “Pin thë tail on thë møøsë”, “Duck, duck, møøsë” and “Celebrity møøsë heads” with his closest friends Hørs Frømschpëëking and Ølga Nishë-an-titë. 

The inspiration for Stinky McCleck came from his pet miniature møøsë Hafusëënsvëngë, who just loves all things stinky, in particular rolling around in findënschpøll droppings in the forësts near the fjørds. 

Ëëklë lives with his beautiful wife, Titti and has passed the Møøsë herding business over to his three children Jërkër, Schnërkër and Knut. He now spends his time focussing on his writing, taking his møøsë for long leisurely walks and mastering the nøsë flutë.